‘Monty’ as he affectionately became known is a six metre long dragon that breathes smoke, has walking legs, moving mouth, moving eyebrows and eyes that glow. Designed by Barney George, Monty went on to have a transformation into Smaug for the Hobbit at The Dukes.
…The dragon was amazing, it was very realistic for a Panto and it was amazing to watch on stage and how they managed that. Click here to read the rest of Ipswich Spy Review
…It is Guinevere and Broadbottom who defeat a stunning dragon to save the day. Click here to read the rest of the British Theatre Guide Review
…a beautifully conceived dragon Click here to read the rest of The Reviews Hub Review
Entify also provided a ‘jousting machine’ and fibreglass wizard’s staff’s for Sword in the Stone at the New Wolsey in Ipswich.
The New Wolsey kindly shared a video of Monty in action and it is displayed at the bottom of this page.